墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第33节(4 / 4)

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  约翰将gun的请求告知了詹姆斯_亚,詹姆斯_亚感叹:i'm not afraid of danger when facing life and death. i'm still worried about the safety of my companions. if this woman is not my enemy, i think i will sympathize with each other. in that case, i'll sell her face before she dies. let people let those people go.
  “面对生死时临危不惧,竟然还在担心同伴的安危,如果这个女子不是我的仇人,我想我会惺惺相惜吧!既然如此,那就当我做一回善事,死之前卖个面子给她吧!让人放了那些人。” ↑返回顶部↑
