第258章 热气球上的那一天(2 / 2)

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  《as the sunrise》《日出之时》
  i’m standing under the yellow streetlight,我站在暖黄的街灯下,
  seeing the green grass covered with dew.看着青草上还挂着露珠。
  the dawn brought cold air and dense fog,虽然清晨的空气很冷,雾气很重,
  but my heart is sweet and warm.我的心却甜甜的,暖暖的。
  oh darling, i can’t wait to see the miracles happening in blue heavens.
  i can’t wait to see it happen.我等不及想看到。
  the golden sun starts its journey,金色的太阳终于要开始它一天的旅程了。
  the surrounding scene begins to shine.它的周围都开始变得闪亮起来。
  the orange clouds smiled down at me,橘色的云朵开始冲着我微笑,
  the indigo river is singing for me.靛蓝色的河水在为我唱歌。
  your rosy cheeks and the purple flowers held in your hands.
  my dream is coming true.我终于梦想成真了!
  you’ve coloured my life like a rainbow.你让我的生活变得像彩虹一样绚烂。
  in seven different colours or maybe more.一下子有了数不清的色彩。
  suddenly my life is full of joy.忽然之间,我觉得生活里满是快乐。
  and such a feeling comes to me.有一种感觉在告诉我,
  i’m holding the beauty of my life, the love of my life.
  (darling,) shall we start our journey?
  注:《as the sunrise》/《日出之时》这首歌词为笔者本人创作,无版权问题。 ↑返回顶部↑
